Showing blogs for: Digital banking

Read moreWhat makes Ukraine exceptional among other countries in Europe? There are thousands of reasons for that, among them – a unique financial scene which we are about to uncover together. Overview of a Ukrainian Fintech ecosystem Let’s face the truth: Fintech advancement’s pace in Ukraine has been quite moderate, which mostly contributes to outdated regulations on the governmental level, lack of capital and investment, slow acceptance of innovation and low personal income among the population.
Read moreLook, I know it’s not a good thing to resort to easy stereotypes when speaking of different nationalities. Generally I would steer very well clear of, ‘All Swedes are…’ or, ‘Greeks are usually distinguished by…’ However, in the case of the three interviewees who are my guides to Fintech in Spain, I’m tempted to characterize them with the same quality: they all speak, and apparently operate, with passion.
Read moreSince 2010, the Belgian Fintech segment has been developing steadily, with the first players focusing on alternative financial solutions such as crowdfunding. However, the last few years have brought changes, the end of the decade saw the rise of payment solutions on the Fintech scene.
Read more“We always say that we were a Fintech company since before the term was invented, because we’ve always been a technology provider for financial services. ” Head of Marketing at Dorsum, Greg Csorba, makes a reasonable point about a company that’s been in business for more than 25 years.
Read moreIn speaking with people around Europe about all things Fintech and UX-UI, a common theme I’ve heard is, ‘But here we’re not as advanced / innovative / mature as the UK. ’ So when I call in to Andy Samu in London, I’m keen to hear his take on this.
Read moreAbout halfway through our conversation I have to ask Sarah Millerton to repeat something, because I figure I must have misheard. Surely she didn’t say, ‘When we go out on our Fintech boat’? Or was that some kind of metaphor? Well, no actually, the Head of Relations and Global Events for Copenhagen Fintech was talking about a real boat, as if no self-respecting Fintech organization would be without one.
Read moreRevolut has come a long way in its relatively short, six year-long career. Launched in 2015, the startup had reached unicorn status by 2018 (the term given to startups with a valuation of at least $1 billion) and now has more than 15 million customers – and is still going strong.
Read moreWhen I meet Ivan Dovica online I’m in a warm home office. He on the other hand looks like an arctic explorer, wrapped up against a howling wind as he walks home at the end of the working day.
Read moreOur previous blog post was about the modern services and UX solutions of Bunq, one of the most innovative Dutch financial companies. This article looks at the opportunities for incumbent providers in the market, large banks that have grown to their current size over decades/centuries for a reason.
Read moreDigital and/or mobile banks are among the most user-friendly varieties of financial organizations. Their services are not based solely on the intense interest of the digital generation, so they are primarily aimed at an increasingly populous camp of those who want a good user experience and ease of use.
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