User Testing



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The essence of User Testing

User Testing should be used first when a product’s development cycle has already passed the testable wireframe level. In case of more complex products, however, introducing testing sessions is recommended when the cycle is only at the drafting phase. User Testing is also a great way to discover problems with your website or application, as well as enhancing user empathy.

User Testing works by asking the required number of people to perform a number of typical, predefined tasks on the site or application – in case of planning a new product possibly on wireframes and/or prototypes.

The test is done individually by users unlike focus group research where many people give feedback at once. Test participants should belong to the target audience. Ideally, User Testing participants are existing or potential clients.

Everything the test participant does and says is recorded so that our specialists can review and analyze the data afterwards. It’s worth encouraging test participants to think out loud, meaning letting them express their thoughts verbatim while testing the application or product.

It is important to observe the behavior of the participants because they also say a lot with body language.


User Testing at Ergomania

Ergomania employs User Testing whenever real, practical feedback is required about a product under development or design, namely from the target audience.

Our User Tests run for 60 minutes at most with users performing key tasks, e.g. in case of a webshop, they buy a product, or go through a payment process in an internet bank. In the meantime, we observe what problems they have, which they voice during the process. For example, using the wireframe prototype, we test the resulting digital product with the involvement of 4-12 existing or potential users. For larger products, it is also worth testing with 4-8 people for individual segments, or continuously from week to week as the planned product is refined.


The main methods of User Testing

There are three types of tests in Ergomania practice (they are also the most common types of User Testing):

  1. Moderated User Testing,
  2. Remote (online) moderated User Testing,
  3. Remote, unmoderated User Testing.

During User Testing, we never focus on taking notes, but rather on useful questions. We can extract all the information from the video, which we will review later.

We consider it important for users to talk during the test and not the person leading the test, but it is also important that the user shares as much information as possible with well-targeted questions. We need to be very careful not to use our questions to lead the user to the solution they think is right.

Testing isn’t just about bug collection. We can observe the wording of our users, to gather information on what they like but the analysis of their body language soon reveals how he actually felt about using the product.

User testing online is conducted via Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, Whereby, Messenger Rooms, etc., adapting to the expectations of our clients and users.

In some cases, testing is also combined with the user interview methodology to gain a deeper understanding of our users ’expectations. You can also test the elements you found useful in the solutions by the competition to integrate them if they are sound enough.


What our clients gain from User Testing?

Our clients, but also the designers, get to the point where they can’t really see or experience their product like people who use it for the first time. They are already so familiar with the software or service they create that they simply do not see features of the process or product that may be confusing or ambiguous.

By User Testing, on the other hand, the actual target audience provides real feedback on the product, so getting to know their opinions and experiences is essential for a successful design.


What is the role of our clients in the preparation of User Testing?

It is important for our clients to ensure that the test participants are rewarded and that testing are being monitored. They should also be encouraged to participate in discussing and prioritizing problems and solutions.


The result of successful User Testing

The result of the finished User Testing is a structured error list, also a presentation of the most important observations that are essential for finalizing the design or product.

  • Client cooperation: Providing participants
  • Deliverables: Summary in an Excel sheet regarding the problems and the potential solutions