Data analysis



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The essence of Data Analysis

The Analytical Service is worth using when we want to know the behavior of users, either directly or indirectly, based on how different they are from the behavior expected by our customers.

An analysis of the data shows where and how there is a discrepancy. A heat map, eye tracking, for example, shows where users focus on a website or when using software, how much time they spend, whether they recognize a button, or recognize a design element as a button, and so on.

The Data Analysis also provides precise answers to five questions:

  1. What user interactions can be identified in certain parts of the site?
  2. How much users scroll down the page?
  3. How much time do users actually spend on the website or using the software?
  4. Where users get stuck or what are the problematic points on the site?
  5. What are the types of user behavior that lead to conversion and what are not?


Data Analysis at Ergomania

Ergomania analyzes the data primarily because during the process the data recording the behavior of our users (e.g. heat maps, videos, etc.) we can better understand the points at which their behavior differs from what our customers expect if their site, software and application function properly.

From the data, we can see where users are clicking, i.e. what elements they interact with, or what elements they think are interactive or where their attention is focused. After identifying the errors, we also formulate solution suggestions, or if it is not clear what causes the unusual behavior of the users, we can follow it with tests.


The main methods of Data Analysis

Ergomania experts perform data analysis using target software. We mainly use Hotjar, Google Analytics and Mouseflow, or in special cases the most appropriate analytical tool for that particular task.

Google Analytics is Google’s web analytics tool used to analyze website traffic. It records the various activities of users when they visit a given site, as well as the attributes of users (such as age, gender, interests). Google Analytics aggregates the data collected in several ways.

Hotjar allows you to understand what users actually experience when visiting our clients’ websites. Hotjar helps you analyze traffic data by telling you what users actually do on our clients’ websites in addition to the analytics numbers.

Mouseflow shows why visitors (do not) become customers. By using it, we can record the sessions of all visitors to the site, and heat maps are automatically generated for all pages. Use Mouseflow to quickly find problems with the website.


What our customers gain from Data Analysis?

Instead of suggestions based on estimates and experience, our customers receive an analysis of specific, actual data and a study based on it, which can be used to determine exactly what the main characteristics of users are, how much time they actually spend on the site or using the software, what they like and where they get stuck. Using this study, we can improve the service of our customers.


What is the role of our customers in the preparation of the Data Analysis?

We also need cooperation on two things from our customers. On the one hand, we ask for access to analytics, and on the other hand, they also play a role in the proper setup of analytical software. These are requested for technical and data protection reasons.


The result of successful Data Analysis

The result of a successful Data Analysis is a detailed error list and study on the fixes to be made that can be used to pinpoint what parts of the UI need to be redesigned for a website, application, or software.

  • Information from client: Granting access to every available analytics tools
  • Deliverables: Short written summary of conclusions and findings, suggestion of new metrics of custom events