User journey



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The point of using User journey

At Ergomania User journey is primarily used to model the user’s path. It is somewhat similar to the use of personas, only while the latter models the users themselves, User journey maps their movement within the website, application, or in another service.

The more complex a website, an app, or a service, the more the path users take on the website will look loke a spider’s web, since we need to mark all the routes the user can take, illustrating the whole process from start to finish, from its entry point until it reaches its destination.

The essence of knowing the user route is for our clients to get to know their users exactly and to determine in advance where they want to go, so we can break down the route into simpler steps and recognize obstacles, problematic parts, or even speed up processes.


The point of User journey at Ergomania

At Ergomania, we primarily create a User journey because it could be applied during the UX design process just as effectively as personas. If we know the User journey, we can simplify the routes thus increase the user experience because it will be more transparent for users to achieve their goal within the application or website.

User journey could even be applied for a website or application that is still in the design phase, because by creating it we effectively plan the path of users from first contact to the achievement of the given goal (completing a purchase, etc.) In the meantime, we can plan or assess what steps users are taking to do this, what decisions they make, and what emotions we evoke.


Main methods of employing User journey

At Ergomania, when creating and using the User journey, we typically combine it with the Kano model, which classifies the characteristics of products into four categories (basic, one-dimensional, indifferent, and opposite properties) from a user perspective, based on the level of satisfaction and performance.

The User journey will show you problems (lows) that slow down or even stop the journey or the attractive parts (highs) that users are happy about. Of course, the lows need more attention because if a user gets stuck, they would hardly be interested in the attractive parts.

It is also an important to start the journey easily and smoothly, otherwise the risk of interrupting the trip increases exponentially – meaning the user exiting the program halfway, leaving the web store without having completed their order, and so on.

In Ergomania’s practice, we usually make two User journeys: one showing the current situation and an ideal one should a redesign commences.


What our clients gain by using the User journey?

Our clients will receive a map that shows them on an existing website (web store, application, etc.) where the problematic and attractive parts are located, and another one showing an ideal condition with users happily going through each process.

All this result in a website or application that optimally performs its function and maximizes client satisfaction by considering users’ thoughts and emotions.


What is the role of our clients while drawing the User journey?

Our clients have an important role to play in creating the User journey because we need to receive a list and description of the connection channels and contact points from them, as well ensuring the availability of marketing and client services and the provision of participants for the interviews.


The result of a successful completion of the User journey

By employing the two User journeys (current and improved, critical) drawn up by Ergomania’s experts, our clients could make their existing website, application and sales process of their webshop more efficient, or they will receive a website or application with optimal routes from the outset.

  • Information from client: List of possible interactions and touchpoints
  • Client cooperation: Provide test subjects for interviews
  • Deliverables: Visual experience map