Showing blogs for: Voice assistant

Read moreUsers are increasingly conducting their digital transactions via mobile applications. The number of users who also perform their financial or banking transactions on banks’ own mobile applications (mobile banking) is increasing day by day.
Read moreAt the end of 2020, Ergomania embarked on the next phase of a larger project. Since 2013, we have been developing solutions on the field of voice control and voice navigation, so we sought out the blind and visually impaired to aid us in our research on voice control.
Read moreEnglish has become a common language of modern times in the Northwest of the world, and this greatly facilitates communication on a daily basis. But half a billion people in Europe rightly ask why they should learn a second language just to be able to handle devices with voice commands? Ergomania is a leading expert in Europe on VUI, ie Voice User Interfaces.
Read moreThe popularity of VUIs or Voice-user interfaces is unbroken, conquering new fields year after year. As technology evolves and user needs change voice-based user interaction no longer belongs to the realm of science-fiction for telephones, computers or digital assistants – in fact, VUI is now present in smart homes or on different vehicles.
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