Showing blogs for: Neo banks

Read moreWhen I first e-meet Takeshi Kito in the summer of ‘22, the then Vice-Chair of the Fintech Association of Japan is planning trips to the Singapore Fintech Festival and Hong Kong Fintech Week – the first time that Japan will have lifted post-covid travel testing regulations. As well as networking on behalf of his association, I’m guessing that these were also study trips, because a year later he has steered the first Japan Fintech Festival to a successful launch.
Read moreOnline banking services are satisfying more and more needs and are becoming more and more widespread; many are choosing the comfortable solution of using their smartphone as a bank, among others. Many decided to do so because they have bad experiences with the institution of traditional banks or they feel like they charge unreasonably high fees for purchasing foreign currency or transferring money abroad.
Read moreRevolut has come a long way in its relatively short, six year-long career. Launched in 2015, the startup had reached unicorn status by 2018 (the term given to startups with a valuation of at least $1 billion) and now has more than 15 million customers – and is still going strong.
Read moreDigital and/or mobile banks are among the most user-friendly varieties of financial organizations. Their services are not based solely on the intense interest of the digital generation, so they are primarily aimed at an increasingly populous camp of those who want a good user experience and ease of use.
Read moreWith over half its landmass standing no more than a meter above sea level, and a quarter below sea level, the Netherlands (meaning ‘lower countries’) deserves its name. The country is also known as Holland, and the adjective used to describe the country and the language is Dutch.
Read moreThe African fintech scene is growing at pace, with radical and innovative offerings that increasingly place the continent in the global mainstream. Think of Africa.
Read moreFor a long time, the big banks, the behemoths of the financial industry did not take the new financial (so-called fintech) service providers seriously. Not one bit.
Read moreThe term design system is one of the buzzwords lately, but do we know exactly what it means and would it really be the solution to anything and everything? Millenáris Startup Campus has hosted the second workshop of Ergomania’s Product Design Talks and judging by the almost full house that greeted the presenters, design systems really are hot commodities right now. The professional presenters talked about the characteristics of design frameworks and their place in modern product design and tried to shed some light on how new banks and neo-banks are so successful nowadays.
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