Showing blogs for: Digital banking

Read more“It’s a long country, with only 5 million people, and big distances from everywhere to everywhere,” Niklas Sandqvist sets the scene for the place he’s called home since 1999 – Norway. “I’m actually Swedish,” he explains.
Read moreHow many would-be Fintechers said way back when, ‘You know, when I grow up I really want to get into Fintech’? Answer: none, because Fintech is a very new idea. People may have been interested in Finance, or Technology, but the joining of the two as we now recognize it wasn’t a thing.
Read moreOnline banking services are satisfying more and more needs and are becoming more and more widespread; many are choosing the comfortable solution of using their smartphone as a bank, among others. Many decided to do so because they have bad experiences with the institution of traditional banks or they feel like they charge unreasonably high fees for purchasing foreign currency or transferring money abroad.
Read moreThe majority of young people do not want to bother with banking apps; however, they are keen on using novel or on the contrary, familiar interfaces if those match their lifestyle. Splitting the cost of a dinner together or communication with the bank similar to a chat app? We need solutions to questions like this! The low-budget, and therefore often uncharted age group is not yet experienced in using financial apps but can be won over by functions that are used daily.
Read more‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,’ is an old saying that seems to apply particularly well to my enquiries into Hungarian Fintech, where in the home country of Ergomania, doors are significantly easier to open. So much so that it’s necessary to divide this country review into two articles, split between Bankers, and Fintechers themselves.
Read moreWhat is a bank for? Why are there bankers? Where is this coming from? I am plunged straight into philosophy by the Co-Founder and CEO of Finqware, one of Romanian Fintech’s brightest offerings. Perhaps it’s not entirely surprising, since Cosmin Cosma started out studying Heidegger Phenomenology at university, and says that through this he began to understand ‘the real meaning of things’.
Read moreAs the Swedish Fintech scene is apparently ‘booming like crazy’, to re-quote Anders Norlin of Coach & Capital, let’s hang out a little longer in Stockholm, and check in with two more practitioners of the fine art of Fintech. One working within the framework of an august Swedish bank, the other in a pioneering green enterprise founded to reduce paper usage, and provide secure digital storage for citizen’s official documents.
Read moreIn the 1949 classic movie, The Third Man, the central character famously says, “In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace. And what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
Read more‘If you can’t beat them, join them’ as the old saying goes, which continues to be valid even in the age of Fintech. ING Belgium is attempting to exploit opportunities for rapid financial growth with the help of its own incubator programme, while BNP Paribas Fortis is playing emphasis on openness.
Read moreFor me, one of the joys of interviewing Fintech players around Europe is the random and sometimes fascinating stories which surface. One such story comes to light in talking with Georgi Penev, Director of the Bulgarian Fintech Association since 2020.
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