Showing blogs for: Design

Read moreWhat is service design and why is it important to use at airports? Service design is a process to organize people, infrastructure and communication of service to optimize its quality and the relationship between the service provider and the customer. The purpose of service design is to create a service which is user-centered, relevant and competitive.
Read moreDonald Norman’s world-known work ‘Emotional Design’ is one of the most famous books among UX and UI practitioners. In this book he distinguishes 3 levels of design based on the nature of the impact they have on users.
Read moreIn the recent years, chatbots have evolved and improved significantly and penetrated areas where customer focus has a strategic importance, such as banking. In this article, we are going to present the main reasons behind the broader adoption of chatbot services from a customers’ as well as banks’ point of views.
Read moreChatbots have become mainstream recently. Today, the majority of stores and services have chatbots.
Read moreThe supposition that the fewer the clicks required to reach something, the better the design is ubiquitous. But anyone familiar with UX knows better.
Read moreWhen designing new and innovative interfaces, we are trying to predict where we are headed and what the future will bring. What will the new user expectations be, and how will be able to best meet them? Josh Clark has pertinently said that UX does not necessarily bring in new ideas, but implements old dreams instead.
Read moreA graphic design mock-up and a high fidelity wireframe share several characteristics which makes difficult to see where the work of the UX expert ends and the graphic designer’s starts. Not yet prevalent in Hungary, smart project planning beyond the waterfall model makes possible for the UX and the graphic designer to work on the same task together.
Read moreThe concept of unity is an essential principle in design. Today, we cannot imagine a quality web page without carefully applied typography, color unity and other look and feel elements.
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