The leaders of Ergománia and Zwoelf helped the OTP Romania with 4 day consultancy to make the personal loan process more effective and user friendly. Although they have contacted us in the last minute, it was still possible to create value.
- UX design
- UI design
- dr. András Rung – UX lead
- Péter Serfőző – UI lead
We started negotiations with OTP Romania about a long term UX cooperation in early 2017. It turned out quickly that long term plans are quite challenging but they have a currently running project in what they need immediate help. As the Hungarian OTP Bank they were planning to launch a full personal loan origination process. Since personal loan is a key product for the bank it is important that every step of the process would be as good as possible.

OTP Romania did not have to much time to change anything before the launch but they still wanted to improve the process. We just had some days before the implementation plan would be finalised. We realised that to jump personally in a completely new project, travel to Cluj (Kolozsvár), discuss options and provide immediate solutions need veteran warriors. So we decided to send the head of Ergomania (dr. Andras Rung) and the head of Zwoelf (Peter Serfozo, design lead) asap to solve the puzzle on the spot.

Andras and Peter rescheduled their calendars, repositioned meetings, canceled personal programmes that they could be there on time. After traveling 10 hours on train they rolled up their sleeves next day and they got a full understanding of the situation. The project was quite developed, the design was based on the Hungarian SME onboarding project. We discussed for one day the options, the restrictions than we returned to Hungary on Friday to provide solutions for them. The OTP guys needed the answers by Monday. Uh well, with take a deep breath and we were thinking about the recommendations on the weekend.

We sent out our suggestions on Monday and we got a quick answer from OTP. They checked everything, they created a plan to execute the fixings in a very structural way that we have never seen before from clients. And now the plan is executed and the process is running since July of 2017.
We know that this is not the ideal way to create spectacular UX processes but we know also that to provide help, incorporate some UX knowledge is always better than to do nothing and preach about the lean UX principles and quote sexy UX handbooks which guidelines are hard to implement in Central Europe with tight budgets and ambitious deadlines.
Further screenshoots: