First place at the Hungarian fintech competition – Simple app

The first Hungarian Fintech contest organised by FinTechRadar, the newshub for innovative financial and insurance services has granted “The most userfriendly Fintech Solution” award to the Simple mobile payment application. This is the first award in Hungary to specialize in financial and insurance solutions.

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“The success of the Simple applicationis attested by over 370,000 users and more than 1 million transactions. Butthere is another relevant indicator: user feedback. Simple is doing outstandinglywell in terms of user feedback and is proud to boast satisfied users: App Storerating is 4.8 and 4.5 in Google Play. We were very pleased to get praise notonly from users, but by industry experts as well, who have confirmed that weare on the right track. “The most userfriendly Fintech Solution” award exactly reflectsour objective: to provide a safe yet simple payment solution for users,offering them a real experience.”
Péter Benyó, Executive Manager, OTP Mobil



“We see that user experience will be a pivotal aspect in the future in Fintech as well. With the impending acceptance of PSD2, a multitude of solutions are set to be launched for Hungarian users, aimed at simplifying their daily finance needs. Simple is a prime example for this type of customer experience.” 
Ferenc F. Szabó, FinTechRadar


“At Ergomania, we have designed dozens of online and mobile banking applications over the past decade. We are very pleased to see new and innovative opportunities opening up in the near future for the financial and insurance sector. We are looking forward to the advent of solutions like Simple, bringing useful innovation to customers to enable them to manage their daily finances simply.” 
Dr. András Rung, Founder and Executive Manager, Ergomania


The Ergomania teamspent nearly 12months developing the award-winning application. We created thedetailed and comprehensive UX and UI designs for Android and iOS and windowsplatforms. We supported top-tier execution of the designs throughoutdevelopment.

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See our detailed case study for more information onthe development process.

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