Designing the entire account opening process for the sake of greater efficiency
The case
OTP business now has an option that allows SMEs to apply for a bank account online, significantly shortening the account opening process. The main expectation of the online bank account opening process was not only to meet statutory and bank obligations, but also to meet customer expectations to the highest degree, becoming a source of customer satisfaction.
UI design
Dr. András Rung – UX Consultant
Gergely Jankó – UX Designer
Orsolya Bercsek
– UI Designer
We helped OTP business optimise and design their online account application process geared towards SMEs by deploying agilemethodology. Using the inputs from weekly user tests and consultations with the business side, we continuously fine-tuned the wireframes, which once finalised, were given a fresh design. We also checked the outcome of the product design process using eye tracking.
The first step of the online application involves recommending an account package suited to the inquiring customer’s Banking practices following a brief survey. The main features and costs of the different account packages are immediately displayed, allowing them to compare. All information on the specific account package can be accessed easily and quickly on the pages presenting each account package.
After a brief survey, the bank recommends an account packageStep by step guidance prior to opening a business account
Even before starting the application, the bank account opening procedure is clearly defined, including how long it will take and what documents are needed.
Preliminary information on application
When designing the application process, we strived to create not only a logically structured process, but also to show the progress at each stage. By optimizing the process, an application for a small business bank account can be done in just a few minutes.
Optimization of data entry method
In close cooperation with other bank units, we have streamlined and created a logical sequence for the required data for every type of business. We used default data to speed up the data entry process and to make things easier for users. We also optimized information entry methods.
Default values to speed up completion
To make completion even easier, once the business has been identified, many fields are completed in advance with data from publicly accessible databases and the customer has to check their accuracy only.
Businesses are identified based on company registration number
The online application process can be suspended at any time and safely resumed later without losing any of the entered data.
The application becomes easier once the business has been identified
Fintech and banking
Case studies
We have grown to become the most experienced UX team specialising in FinTech in Europe, with 30+ FinTech projects successfully completed. Our portfolio ranges from mobile and Internet banking to internal systems, from sales support to chatbot and voice interfaces.
"Simple by OTP Bank" is Hungary's No.1 mobile payment app for cashless payments with 1M+ downloads and 1 million+ transactions. However, as a Fintech-focused product design agency, we are particularly proud of the user ratings: 4.8 (App Store) and 4.5 (Google Play). The app also won the Most User-Friendly Finance App award in 2017.
We established written and visual consistencies and guidelines for TreasurUp’s financial platform. To date TreasurUp has 4 multinational banks as clients, with the Scandinavian giant Nordea being the latest recruit, as of 2020.