Showing blogs for: Mobile

Read morePersonal assistants communicating with the VUI, or voice-user interface, have become much more popular than the largest industry players expected them to be. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, or Apple all have their digital assistant (developed strictly in-house) on offer, and to tell the truth each one of these is better at something than its competitors.
Read moreBelgium: a safe, secure country, where commerce has flourished for centuries. A country at the center of European activity, home of the European Commission and the Council of the European Union, and bordered by Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
Read moreThe COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed not only our social behavior but also the way ordinary objects are used. In a situation where touching different devices carries a risk of infection a hand sanitizer is often a rarer commodity than truffle, as people think twice about what to touch.
Read moreToday, a large company without a mobile page or application is embarrassing. Raiffeisen might as well felt the shame so the Raiffeisen mobile banking app was born.
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